Energy healing demonstration. See how Shereen cured 10 years of ovarian pain. This demonstrates the power of Star Magic Energy Healing and how rapidly it goes to work on a person, shifting deep pain that had been there daily for 10 years. Star Magic Healing works on a quantum level, removing deep trauma, either from this reality or parallel realities, in turn creating rapid mental, emotional and physical shifts in this reality now.
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Jerry demonstrates Star Magic on 2 volunteers. One with 10 years of excruciating pain from an Ovarian Cyst and the other with ankle pain. Within several minutes all the pain on both volunteers is gone.
Jerry interacts with the audience and two volunteers come to the front, Shareen, and Jin Ling, who have suffered from physical pain from ovary cysts for many years.
Take some long deep breaths into your body and keep breathing. So, I’m going to show you this method, technique, way, and you guys are going to practice it on each other. Now you can use this for your illness or pain or whatever it is okay, right arm, left elbow. This is simple, and your right hand comes up there okay. All body parts mean something, and we could go into these body parts and start with what they mean. For  example, the left ankle is to do is with support and stepping forwards on a female side so there’s something in her reality.  She’s in fear of something and not stepping forwards into her feminine power and not acting on something. The right ovary is to do with flow and it’s the male side so there’s something masculine, some man in the life or maybe a man in her life, could be from another reality too. Okay then what we need to do is to shift the pain that’s creating those symptoms because all these are symptoms, okay, and the body is a communication device to help us understand that something’s going wrong.
So, what I’m going to do is get my cube, my imaginary cube. What I’m going to do Shereena and Jin Jing, So Shereen and Jin Ling, what I’m going to do is put a cube into each of your stomachs. So first I’m going to get this cube, I’m going to shove it into Shereen’s stomach. Now, I’m going to communicate with the cube, so there is a cube in each of the stomachs. I’m going to communicate both cubes. I’ll do them individually which is important so when I communicate, I will say hey Mrs. Cube is with you, and I want you to spin clockwise and I want any stuck energy, any emotions, from the muscles, the organs, from the cells that are creating this symptom or symptoms. I like the right Mr. cube and the left misses’ cube to spin clockwise and collect the stuck energy and stuff emotional the toxicity that lies resides inside of Sherine’s cells, muscles, tissue bones that are holding or creating these symptoms in a physical body that are causing a cyst in her right ovary.
Command and tell the cube what to do. It is now spinning clockwise. We spin it faster and faster. There’s a code for this, I’ll give it out later, but I’ll just take you through the manual process. So, it’s a cube spinning. This energy coming up from her feet, more so her left foot even though it’s the right ovary. More dark ‘shitty’ energy coming up from her left foot even though it’s right ovary it is more of the ‘crap’ energy coming up from the left foot. It’s coming in from the left tip, it is coming in from the right breast as well. So, there’s something to do with nurturing as well, it’s what the breasts resemble. Nurturing, fatherly nurturing, motherly nurturing. It’s more masculine, from the right side.
There’s stuck energy, the shoulders are so tense and heavy. There’s a lot of energy coming into the cube from the shoulders, so we’ve made that energy spin and flow into it. Now I do the same thing with Jing Ling’s. Mr. or Mrs. cube I want you to spin a clockwise direction and draw all the toxicity, all the energy, all the stuck emotion, from Jin Ling’s cells, from her muscles, bones, tissues, her organs that are creating these symptoms that we call a bad left ankle. Whatever is creating the symptom is causing a physical pain in her left ankle. We went through all the ‘crap’, all that toxicity into you, and you spin, spinning faster. I will expand Shireen’s cube as it is filling up now, making it a little bigger, as there is still ‘crap’ pouring in from all over her body. There’s even stuff coming from your genitals as well coming into this cube, so I know from this life or another life that there’ being some physical or sexual abuse in that area. So, this cube is getting even more full and expanding again.
If I look at Jing Ling’s body, she’s got a lot of energy coming from her hands, okay, going through her body and down into the cube. So, I know that she’s holding on to something. There is something that she’s resisting or holding onto that’s stopping her taking that step forwards. Now we really don’t need to know what all this stuff is, it really doesn’t matter. All we want to do is get rid of the pain, get rid of the stuff that’s going on. I’m just going to let it spin a bit more. There’s stuff coming from your heart and your heart as well down into the cube. It’s like layers and layers. I’m going to leave jingling spinning, but Shareen’s is full. I’ve extended it twice now so what I’m going to do is I’m going to do the next part of the process and then I’m going to go back and stick another cube in.
What I’m going to do is stick my left hand over the top of the cube, so I’m going to bring up a hologram here. Here is the hologram of Shireen. I’m entangling this hologram with the physical reality, and I will stick my right hand over the top of the cube. Now what I’m going to do is I’m going to ask to be shown the deepest root point in space-time that contains the original trigger that created the symptom of the cyst in the ovary. What I’m going to do is I’m going to feel with my hand through the space until my hand starts tingling or vibrating, and it’s doing that right here. I come away from it, come back into it. Yeah, right here, this area here. So here might be 1940, it could be 1822, it could be 1465, late in 2000 AD. It doesn’t matter but this is the point in space which holds in the quantum field, a reality that is creating this symptom. So now I’m going to move the cube from my left hand through the empty space and underneath my right hand. Now what I’m going to do is I’m going to count back to zero and blow it up. You can stick sticks of dynamite to it. Whatever way you are going to blow the cube up in your mind, it doesn’t matter.
So, the cube is underneath here and I’m going to blow this up in this space. Three, two, one, boom, and it’s gone, it’s dissolved, it’s blown up. Now what I’m going to do is I’m going to stick in another cube, okay, and spin again. Mr Cube , Mrs Cube, please spin in a clockwise direction and let of the toxicity, stuck emotion, and all the ‘crap’ from the cells, the bones, the tissues, the organs, that is creating the symptom that we call a cyst in the right ovary. Boom, its spinning again. Now if I come on to Jing Ling and leave that one to spin. There’s stuff coming from the hips, quite a lot of stuff in the hips and the hips are direction. So, I know that there is this direction that the universe wants to take her in, but she is not listening. This is probably why her ankles are playing up.
So now what I’m going to do is bring up Jing Ling’s hologram, left hand over cube. Here is the hologram of Jing Ling here, and I am putting my right hand over the cube and I’m going ask, please show me the deepest root point in space-time that contains the original trigger that is creating this symptom that we call a bad left ankle. Whatever pain it is creating I want to find out where that pain came from, and I’m going to feel. OK, here, so I will bring the cube from here through the empty space and I’m going to blow it up again. 3,2,1, boom, OK it’s gone.
Some people say if you send it from this reality back to this reality, you are kind of shifting the problem from one reality to another. Well in fact it cancels it out in both realities and everything from this reality back to this reality, and any realities or timelines in between, they’re all going to fall like pulling the foundations of a house and the whole house comes tumbling down with them. Now, let’s say, for example, this wasn’t the deepest reality and there maybe more stuff to clear. With Shireen that was the case. So, I’m going to go again in a second and move this other cube back to wherever it came from. I’m not going to automatically think that it went back to the same space because we might have rid of the ‘crap’ and the trauma form one reality, and now the stuff that is there is deeper. So now it could have gone into a deeper reality. Am I making sense? Yeah. Jerry runs the cube through Jin Ling to release what is causing her bad ankle.
So now I’m going do Shireen again. There’s energy leaking from the tops of her legs and the empty space around which is interesting. I’ve not seen this before so why this is happening? She is overloaded, so this is my fault, for not using a big enough cube. I’m going to take responsibility and get this cube out now. Jerry commands the cube to collect the stuck energy and he moves his  hand closer this time than it was last time. This doesn’t mean it’s nearer in linear time okay. It’s just a point in space that’s completely irrelevant. So now I move cube and blow it up. How are you feeling this pain Shireen. It is gone.
What is fascinating about this healing is that you are always seeing different things. Jing Ying hiding behind a mask, now showing her true colours. So, make it a little bigger, like elastic stuck on your ankle. Spin cube faster, snapping, snapping. In the hologram place my left hand over the cube, right hand over top. I then ask the cube to please show me the deepest point in space land which maintains the original trigger which brings these symptoms. So, remove that cube from their three empty space to blow it up here. Three, two, one, boom.
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